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Khan Bank

Khan Bank Logo

Khan Bank, established in 1991 is a very large commercial bank in Mongolia with 547 branches across all of Mongolia with more than 6000 employees, and provides banking services to an estimated 80% of Mongolian households. Given the relatively small population of 3.2mn inhabitants being spread over such a spacious country like Mongolia, Khan Bank offers one of the few options in the country to reach out to micro entrepreneurs on a broad scale.

Khan bank has a Gross Loan Portfolio as of May 2021 of around EUR 2 billion and the GLS fund has invested in the same month USD 4.97 million in the Institution.

Microfinance Institution

Khan Bank

Outstanding loan amount: 9.160.806 EUR
Number of Loans: 4
Country: Mongolia
Region: Asia
Information dated to: December 31, 2022

Company Information

Post Address: Chinggis Avenue-6, Stadium Orgil-1, Khan-Uul district, Ulaanbaatar-17010, Mongolia
Domestic Company Website:
Website Excerpt: ХААН Банк нь хүмүүсийн амьдралыг бодитой өөрчилж, нийгмийн сайн сайханд хувь нэмэр оруулах санхүүгийн шинэлэг бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээг нэвтрүүлэгч үндэсний хэмжээний тэргүүлэгч банк билээ. Бид шударга ёс, ил тод байдлыг эрхэмлэн, харилцагчийн үйлчилгээг Монголдоо хамгийн өндөр түвшинд хүргэхийг эрмэлзэнэ.

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Portfolio in 2022

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