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Elet Capital

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The microfinance institution Elet Capital Microcredit Company LLC (Elet Capital) primarily lends to individual borrowers in rural Kyrgyzstan. The company is headquartered in the capital Bishkek, with a total network of 18 branches.

The loan portfolio amounts to around EUR 15 million. The focus is on the self-employed in low-income agriculture, who in many cases do not have access to formal financial services. 82% of loans are granted to rural areas and, in June 2020, the GLS AI Microfinance Fund granted Elet a loan of USD 1 million and was able to win it as a new partner institution.

Microfinance Institution

Elet Capital

Outstanding loan amount: 1.633.834 EUR
Number of Loans: 3
Country: Kirgisistan
Region: Asia
Information dated to: June 30, 2024

Company Information

Post Address: Bokonbayev St, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Domestic Company Website:

invested worldwide

Portfolio in June, 2024

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